Our Partners
Bright Sight Ophthalmology Centre

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Bright Sight Ophthalmology Centre provides diagnosis and treatment for various eye diseases, including cataracts, glaucoma, retinal diseases, and macular degeneration. Our services encompass medication, laser treatment, and surgical interventions, offering a comprehensive range of eye health and care services as a specialized ophthalmology center in Hong Kong. Additionally, we offer myopia control services for children, including Atropine and Repeated Low-Level Red-Light therapy, combining the expertise of optometrists and ophthalmologists to provide a comprehensive approach to myopia control and follow-up, helping to slow down the progression of myopia and reduce the risk of developing eye diseases associated with high myopia in the future.


Sha Tin Clinic
Unit No.402, Level 4, New Town Tower, Shatin, N.T.
2598 9023


Tsuen Wan Clinic
Shop No.321, 3/F., Nina Mall 1, No.8 Yeung Uk Road, Tsuen Wan, N.T.
2505 9684


Taikoo Clinic
Room 1307, Office Tower, Kornhill Plaza, 1 Kornhill Road, Tai Koo, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong.
2870 2768


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Bright Sight Ophthalmology Centre
